Introducing Me
Name: Rhonda's the name
Age: 14 going 15
Location: The clean and green city - S'pore
Aim: Get more than 3.2 GPA next year.
Get 1E to have another successful class outing.
Meet up with Shuyi and Khai more often.
{Watch "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2".
Watch "My week with Marilyn" (Stars Emma Watson)
Watch "The Perks of Being a Wallflower" (Stars Emma Watson)} LOL
Hates: Homework
Creepy Crawlies
Likes: Music
Harry Potter

The Marauders

I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good...

6 Charity!! YuXuan♥ Sherra~ Shuyi~ Anabelle~ Cheryl~ Gwendolyn~ Celia~ Wei Jie~ Jessica (Ho)~ Hedy~

1 Evaron!! <3 DHS Guides COY~ 我的文字相簿(二)~ Olivia♥ Amelia~ Charlotte~ Clara~ Crystal~ Emily~ Elaine~ Elena♥ Hazel~ Jaynell♥ Jia Jun~ Laural~ Loraine~ Phoebe♥ Rochelle~ Shihui♥ Xiying♥ Xin Yi~ Xin Yi~(SC)

Mischief Managed


Priori Incanti
July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 June 2011


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  • Friday, August 20, 2010 - How the hell would you feel!!!!! :

    Imagine it was your name,
    Imagine it was your name sent to the whole class,
    Imagine it was your name sent to the whole class about being biased,
    How would you feel?

    Imagine it was you who was accused of doing something wrongly, when you think you are right,
    Imagine it was you who had to suppress your all your indignation and apologise,
    Imagine you could just reason your way out, but you chose to apologise, so as to satisfy the class,
    How would you feel?

    Imagine it was you who was convinced to group the class myself,
    Imagine it was you who did, and got scolded instead,
    Imagine it was you who wanted to let the class group themselves again, and someone discouraged you from it,
    How would you feel?

    How the hell would you feel?

    I could have just scolded you back,
    Tell you that it wasn't my idea in the first place,
    Tell you that I edited your names such that the topic wouldn't stray.
    Tell you that in fact I didn't even totally separated you guys.
    Tell you that I said that you could use the classrooms on monday, not you must.
    Did I? NO

    I apologised to satisfy the class,
    I apologised just to be shot down again.

    How would you feel?

    Rhonda=) blogged at 9:27 PM

    Thursday, August 19, 2010 - The infamous MILO :

    [Taken from Jaynell's pictures in facebook]
    So as to prove my point. :D

    Rhonda=) blogged at 5:49 AM

    Wednesday, August 18, 2010 - Whee~ :

    Hi people,

    I ditched you guys for very long. Haha, I'm just so lazy to post, especially when there's like so much homework. Today is not an exception, cos I have my passage-based test tomorrow, and my Japanese quiz as well, so by right, i should be studying, but today I laughed so much than i think i should tell you guys. :D

    Today me and my guide mates went to pick kindlings (twigs, and casuarina leaves for burning). But 老天不作美,it rained. Therefore the twigs will be wet, and can't burn. So we went to MacDonald, and sort of "waited for the twigs to dry". There, we craped and laughed alot.
    So we arrived at Mac, and we sat down, and then we bought our food, and start eating. How did everything start? I think we were talking about our librarian - Annalakshmi Kaliappan. Hahaha. Cherilyn was telling us - Xiying, Jaynell, Shihui and me, about the time when we were supposed to give feedback about the school facilities, and everyone of 1A put there, fire the librarian. :D And then they decided that "librarian" was not specific enough, and said the black one. (in between, Jaynell and Xiying were talking about Anna being  and Orange, Strawberry and another fruit [banana i think?], cos she had a yellow and orange striped shirt, and a red and pink striped shirt.) LOL Hahahahaha. 
    Then got one point when Jaynell went to someplace - toilet? look for Cheryl? And then Xiying tasted her milo and felt that it tasted bitter. So she suspected that her milo was drugged. And then she tasted Jaynell's milo, then in fact all of us tasted. Haha, then Xiying realised that we drank too much of Jaynell's milo, so she pour her own milo into Jaynell's cup - to the brim. (Well, according to them - Xiying and Cherilyn - Xiying opened the cap and Cherilyn poured the milo. And Cherilyn argued back that Xiying was the mastermind.) Hahaha, then when Jaynell came back, she didn't notice, and she kept on saying; "I'm very calm, I'll be very calm".  (Cos before that, Jaynell was very very excited and crazy about the Anna part) Hahaha. Then the all of us were like laughing. It took very long for Jaynell to notice that there was more milo in the cup, and Cherilyn was like, "Jaynell, cheers."Jaynell didn't fall for it. Then when she noticed, we cannot control anymore. Burst out laughing. :D (Part 1)
    Part 2 - Jaynell took a sip, and then cos we were still laughing, she thought we put something into her drink. Wait........actually is Cherilyn who started it. I think she was like, "Wait till she find out what we put into her drink." Then she "realised" that Jaynell was listening, she said, "Oh shit! Sorry sorry" LOL, she should really go join EDS. We really did not put anything into the milo. In the end, we had to each take a sip of the milo to prove that there was really nothing other than milo in the milo. Haha. 
    Part 3 - Jaynell started drinking her milo. Then who started it? I think it was Cherilyn again, or it was Shihui. Anyway, one of them wanted to try the taste of fries+milo combo. And we ended up all putting fries into Jaynell's cup, to taste. Then it soon evolved into we throwing fries into Jaynell's milo. OMG, Jaynell was really a victim. :D Anyways, Jaynell - angry - poured the gross contents into Xiying's cup. 
    Part 4 - Jaynell happened to go away (yes, again), and Xiying poured all the milo including the contents, like the fries, back into Jaynell's cup. Hahaha, Jaynell come back, she give up, and put her tissue into the cup, took a picture, and threw it away.  :D :D :D

    Hmmm, what else did we do? I seriously got short term memory. :P Anyways, i know we laughed like crazy just now. :D The evidence is enough to prove that we had alot of fun in MacDonald. Bleah. History overdose. 
    Haha, anyways, ttyl.


    Rhonda=) blogged at 4:48 AM

    Friday, August 13, 2010 - Unlucky Day - Friday the 13th / Lunar Month fourth of July. :O :

    Well, actually the main point of this post should be today's PT (a.k.a Physical Training), and how unlucky today is.  However, I'm on the verge of puking right now. I don't know if that person read my blog, (high chance), so erm, if you're curious, chat me, msn( if I'm online) or dhs mail chat, or facebook. :D

    Kay, back to the main point. Today is the most unlucky day in the world, half-supersticious (sry, my spelling damn fail), half real thing. So we started off with Maths - a very bad way to start a day off. The lesson was BORING, like we were primary 3 or 4 agn, studying the base and height of triangles. Mr Tan doesn't seem to know that we already know how to do that, so the whole lesson, i feel like i'm back in primary school. BORING. After that was Geography. geog was ok, can understand, can sit through. I survived. After that, recess, then zomg! History. We had test during history, and then there was lke not enough  time, then is like, my conclusion was very crappy. :O DIE. After history, was science. Ok, can sit through also. And after science, was LA, where we had a practice for next thursday's test. Also no time, can't finish.
    Ok, the above was to be posted yesterday, but i was too tired to finish. :D Now I'm lazy to write anything else, so, haha. :D


    Rhonda=) blogged at 6:51 PM

    Thursday, August 12, 2010 - Happy Birthday C.L.A.R.A :

    Happy Birthday Clara!!!
    Wish you all the best in everything you do.
    Stay kpop-ish.
    Enjoy life.
    Continue to achieve awesome results. :D

    I received my Japanese Common Test today! Omigosh, i so flunked. I passed the test by 8 marks. I seriously hate Frank he got 58.5 out of 60. Wahlao, go die. :P

    Anyways, just for update. :D


    Rhonda=) blogged at 6:08 AM

    Tuesday, August 10, 2010 - Noooooooo!!!!!!! This is SO not Emma Watson :




    NOOOOOOOO!!!!! Compare the new and old!! OMG.

    Shocked, speechless


    Rhonda=) blogged at 5:07 AM

    Sunday, August 8, 2010 - National Day Celebration :

    I know this is abit outdated, but I didn't get to use the computer since Thursday. :P

    Anyways, that day was ok. I guess the worst part was the dancing part? Where we had to dance to Reach out for the Skies. It was not about the song, more of the teacher. And another thing was that there was so many tallies in front of me such that i cannot see the supposedly professional hip hop dancer teaching.  In front was ok. Yea, alot of singing, but the skits and songs from 4J and 1K was awesome!! I finally know why our well written rap lost out. :D Haha, hope next time we'll have something like that too. :D But at the end of the day, although the concert is abit better than my primary school's, its still a typical celebration. The ceremony in front was great. All we have to so it sit down and listen quietly. :D 

    After school at 11, Clara, Xiying, Phoebe and me went out to Kallang Leisure Park for movies. We watched Despicable Me. The movie was not as good, or rather, not as funny as i imagined, but it was still worth watching. The movie is about this villain. And then one day another guy went to steal the Egyptian pyramid, and it sort of made the other villains look lame. Then this villain wanted to take revenge, and made use of three girls from the orphanage who touched his heart. Blabla. the movie is interesting. Not very touching, but funny. Go watch. Anyway, after the movie, the 4 of us roamed around KLP of a while, and we thought that KLP was too quiet. So we went to bugis, where we just did window shopping. Such a pity Elena, Karen and Olivia cant come. Or not we would have took the whole row in the cinema, and phoebe wont feel the need to change place with me such that she wouldnt sit with strangers, who turned out to be 3 girls loads younger than us. (they found the stuff we were laughing at stupid - we were like laughing like hell, then i heard one of them say "stupid"). Anyway, the day was awesome. :D 

    Btw, i just watched the trailer of Vampires Suck. I think the movie would be like awesome. Its going to be super funny i guess. Its not suitable for crazy fans of Twilight Saga, just for a laugh. I wanna go watch!!!  


    Rhonda=) blogged at 5:41 AM

    Thursday, August 5, 2010 - Jap CT :

    Today's Japanese Common Test was horrible. There were loads of questions where i could not answer, or am not sure. Although majority of the answers came back to me in the later part of the test, there was still a small percentage of the questions that I to guess, such that i do not leave a blank. In the whole test, i left one blank. What is "only" in japanese??? It was killing. Overall, although the test was not hard, it was giving mental stress as there were questions i could not answer. And another fact was that i was super sleepy in the test, therefore I could not concentrate well. The experience was definitely horrible. I cannot imagine how the end of years would be like, with the addition of composition and oral. :O

    After that was lesson as usual, but the Jap class was alot smaller. 5 mins into lesson and i was called to give answers twice. Horrible. I can;t wait for the time where they are going to rearrange the classes such that the class would be big again, like the atrat of the year, with 36 people in a class. Today, my Japanese class only had like, 14 poeple. Less than half of the number of students at the start of the year. Learning Japnese is really tiring, that's why so many people are quitting. I really hope i have the determination to survive till Year 4. I can do it!!! Ahhh. I'm already like super super stressed. I really don't know if i can survive. :O

    Ok, this is a very emo post, because i'm doing my essay now, and i am fretting about my japanese common tests results. I'll get them next week! Oh my gosh, the wait is horrible. I hate waiting for results. I almost died waiting for my PSLE results. :P

    Have you ever had the kind of feeling where you are happy with your test/examination results, but your friends were not so lucky and did not do as well as you? Well, that was what i felt during PSLE. When i realised that i had gotten 256 + 3 for my PSLE, i was practically jumping for joy. But when i saw my friend cry because her results was not what she had expected, I was sinking inside. I lightmess inside me of the happiness i felt disappeared in an instant. I felt like crying myself too. So this is how influencial a friend is. (: A friend can actually turn my extreme happiness into sadnesss in a instant. Cool right?

    Sometimes results are not what you expected. You think you did very well, and it turned out that your results was a lot a lot lower than you expected. Sometimes you expected very low, and your results turned out high. Results are practically unpredictable. When i was doing my paper for my PSLE, i was confident. I thought i would do, not say very well, but at least above average. However, during the wait for my results, when i reviewed what i had done during the paper, my confidence was seeping away, but my PSLE results still turned out satisfactory. My friends (as mentioned above) however, was not so lucky. Her results were not to her satisfactory. She cried, but after a few days, she was fine. My point here is that when you get results not to your expectation, you can cry. Cry all you want, cry away all the sadness. But after you cry, get over it. I'm not asking you to don't care about it, just don;t be sad about it anymore. Treat it as a motivation, to do better in the future. Tell yourself that you want to improve. If you are stuck at "Oh my gosh, I failed my test/exam", you aren't going to make any improvement.

    I feel as if I'm giving a motivational talk. Haha. So maybe a motivational quote would make it even better. :D
    "Do not be afraid to change. You may lose something good, but you may gain something even better." :D Jiayous people! You can do it. Can we do it? Yes we can!
    "I know this is stolen from Barack Obama, but if he can steal it from Bob the Builder, then i can too."
    "Black is the new white"
    Quoted from "Napoleon's" speech.

    Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. :D :D :D :D :D


    Rhonda=) blogged at 7:43 AM

    Tuesday, August 3, 2010 - Health Screening :

    Health screening was:
















































    K, i used the thesaurus, but you get what i mean. (:


    Rhonda=) blogged at 4:10 AM