Introducing Me
Name: Rhonda's the name
Age: 14 going 15
Location: The clean and green city - S'pore
Aim: Get more than 3.2 GPA next year.
Get 1E to have another successful class outing.
Meet up with Shuyi and Khai more often.
{Watch "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2".
Watch "My week with Marilyn" (Stars Emma Watson)
Watch "The Perks of Being a Wallflower" (Stars Emma Watson)} LOL
Hates: Homework
Creepy Crawlies
Likes: Music
Harry Potter

The Marauders

I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good...

6 Charity!! YuXuan♥ Sherra~ Shuyi~ Anabelle~ Cheryl~ Gwendolyn~ Celia~ Wei Jie~ Jessica (Ho)~ Hedy~

1 Evaron!! <3 DHS Guides COY~ 我的文字相簿(二)~ Olivia♥ Amelia~ Charlotte~ Clara~ Crystal~ Emily~ Elaine~ Elena♥ Hazel~ Jaynell♥ Jia Jun~ Laural~ Loraine~ Phoebe♥ Rochelle~ Shihui♥ Xiying♥ Xin Yi~ Xin Yi~(SC)

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  • Tuesday, October 19, 2010 - Back! :


    The dreaded EOYs are finally over

    And here I am


    I have nothing really to say anyway

    Oh, I am addicted to fanfiction.

    Go to

    And I am addicted to Harry Potter too!

    Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows are coming out on November 18!!!!

    Uh, Part 1.

    But mostly, the books are better than the movies.

    You know in the book, Hermione was supposed to wear a lilac coloured dress.

    And in the movie it was scarlet.


    And its Hollywood,

    A movie by the famous Warner Brothers.


    Anyway, I still like Harry Potter all the same.

    Especially Emma  Watson in the movies

    She acts as Hermione.

    Oh, this brings me to the subject.

    Make me obsessed with SHINee

    I will not give in.
    [ you Phoebe, Emily]

    Yay. Goodbye.

    I have rambled enough.


    Wish me luck with my EOYs!!!

    I wanna get 3.2!!!!


    Rhonda=) blogged at 5:54 AM