Introducing Me
Name: Rhonda's the name
Age: 14 going 15
Location: The clean and green city - S'pore
Aim: Get more than 3.2 GPA next year.
Get 1E to have another successful class outing.
Meet up with Shuyi and Khai more often.
{Watch "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2".
Watch "My week with Marilyn" (Stars Emma Watson)
Watch "The Perks of Being a Wallflower" (Stars Emma Watson)} LOL
Hates: Homework
Creepy Crawlies
Likes: Music
Harry Potter

The Marauders

I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good...

6 Charity!! YuXuan♥ Sherra~ Shuyi~ Anabelle~ Cheryl~ Gwendolyn~ Celia~ Wei Jie~ Jessica (Ho)~ Hedy~

1 Evaron!! <3 DHS Guides COY~ 我的文字相簿(二)~ Olivia♥ Amelia~ Charlotte~ Clara~ Crystal~ Emily~ Elaine~ Elena♥ Hazel~ Jaynell♥ Jia Jun~ Laural~ Loraine~ Phoebe♥ Rochelle~ Shihui♥ Xiying♥ Xin Yi~ Xin Yi~(SC)

Mischief Managed


Priori Incanti
July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 June 2011


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  • Sunday, January 30, 2011 - Hello :

    Hey Guys,

    I saw this post on , and I saw this post that i absolutely agree on. (: 

    Dear Stephanie Meyer, 
    Please note that when the love of Hermione's life left her, she continued to search for the keys to destroying the world's most powerful dark wizard. When the love of Bella's life left her, she curled up in the fetal position, went numb for months then jumped off a cliff. 
    Sincerely, J. K. Rowling.
    Here's another one. (: 
    Dear Twilight fans, 
    Let's do some math! Harry Potter > Voldemort. Voldemort > Cedric Diggory. Cedric Diggory = Edward Cullen. Therefore, Harry Potter > Edward Cullen. 
    Sincerely, suck on that.
     Seeya guys soon. (:



    Rhonda=) blogged at 1:33 AM

    Monday, January 24, 2011 - Just for Update~ :D :

    Hey guys, I'm back. I hope i didnt disappear for long??

    Sorry if i did. (:

    So I'll talk about life for now.

    Loads of projects: ACC, Chinese, Computing, LA. Tests coming up. Only Week 5 and 6 we get to rest. T.T

    Recently getting obsessed (not obsessed like certain people. :D) with Taylor's Swift's songs. Not the person, just the songs. Her songs are awesome, esp. Back To December. I rather enjoyed her newest album. :D

    Random person tagged on my cbox, saying she liked the layout of my blog, and she like my post... :/ idk whether real or fake. But who cares? (: I'll just post when I feel like. (:

    Right, that's about all.... What else?

    Oh, Chinese New Year coming up. (: My Birthday too! :D

    *Sigh* This year very busy, time pass super slowly. ):

    And I'm so happy i finally stop being addicted to fanfiction. :D Means I won't spent hours and hours on the comp reading.

    Just finished the remaining of my jap hw. Yay!

    K, its late alr. (:

    Seeya guys, hope to see you soon, no promises there. (:


    Rhonda=) blogged at 5:38 AM

    Wednesday, January 19, 2011 - Wondering~ :

    Sometimes I wonder whether my class is getting younger or older (as in older than usual).

    We talk about Elmo, Cookie Monster, Teletubbies, Spongebob, etc.
    I know what you are thinking now: " Definitely young luh!"

    But of course, I'm not finished. While We talking about the awesome children shows that have disappeared from the face of the earth, Some people, (esp boys) are talking about 爱. As in the long, extremely draggy Taiwanese drama. Ok, maybe its not that bad, I'm exaggerating.

    But you get what I mean right?

    So what do you think?  Older or Younger? Haha.


    Rhonda=) blogged at 12:04 AM

    Thursday, January 6, 2011 - MLIA Posts :

    Hey guys, I was gone for ages, and I'm back. Since I can't find anyth to talk abt, I'll share all the awesome-est MyLifeIsAverage posts. Enjoy. (:

    Today, I titled a word document "The World, All of Humanity, and Hogwarts" so when I saved it, it would say "You have saved 'The World, All of Humanity, and Hogwarts". I felt so accomplished. MLIA 

    Today, my mother told me that I had gotten sent home in kindergarten because when my teacher asked us what we wanted to be when we grew up, I said "happy." The teacher told me I didn't understand the question, and I had told her that she didn't understand life. I wish I was still that cool. 

    Today, I was walking down the street and I saw a dead chicken on the side of the road. I started to ask myself why the chicken crossed the road and then I looked up. Across the street was a Kentucky Fried Chicken. Now I know. MLIA 

    Today, I realized that my mom texts more than I do. I feel like I've failed at being a teenager. MLIA 

    Today, I was reading Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone to my 8 year old brother when we came to the part where Harry thinks that the Mirror of Erised shows someone their family. My brother stops me and asks, very seriously, if a piece of bacon were to look in the mirror would it see pigs or more bacon. I have been stumped all day. MLIA 

    Today, I said to cleverbot: "Justin Bieber." It replied: "Are yout rying to make me sick?' I then said: Hannah Montana. It said: You disgust me. When I said, "twilight" cleverbot said "I'm outta here" and the page refreshed. I love you cleverbot. MLIA 

    Today I was reading the posts on here when I saw the one about cleverbot saying someone's girlfriend was going to burn their house. I decided to say the same thing to cleverbot, his response? "You have a girlfriend? I thought we were married! *cries feeling betrayed*." MLIA 

    Today, while driving through a sketchy neighborhood, I saw a guy on a street corner who looked like he was smoking and drinking beer. However, when I looked closer, I realized he was eating a lollipop and drinking grape juice. I like this guy. MLIA 

    Today, I read a MLIA about a new pregnancy test commercial, that near the end it said "Made especially for women!" and them being worried about who it was for before. A fact for that person, pregnancy tests also work for gorillas. MLIA 

    Today, in band class, the front office called to tell us that our bass player's new string had come in the mail or something like that. The whole class burst out laughing. Why? "We have a G string for Colleen in the front office." MLIA. 

    Today, I was taking a crucial science test, and could not remember the last law that was asked. I then wrote The Gaga Law (RAH)² (AH)³ + RO (MA + MAMA) + (GA)² + OOH(LA)² in a shameless attempt for full credit. Not only did I get full points, but my teacher slipped me an autographed poster of Lady Gaga the next day. My teacher is a 59 year old man, and my new favorite teacher. MLIA

    Rhonda=) blogged at 3:21 AM