Introducing Me
Name: Rhonda's the name
Age: 14 going 15
Location: The clean and green city - S'pore
Aim: Get more than 3.2 GPA next year.
Get 1E to have another successful class outing.
Meet up with Shuyi and Khai more often.
{Watch "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2".
Watch "My week with Marilyn" (Stars Emma Watson)
Watch "The Perks of Being a Wallflower" (Stars Emma Watson)} LOL
Hates: Homework
Creepy Crawlies
Likes: Music
Harry Potter

The Marauders

I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good...

6 Charity!! YuXuan♥ Sherra~ Shuyi~ Anabelle~ Cheryl~ Gwendolyn~ Celia~ Wei Jie~ Jessica (Ho)~ Hedy~

1 Evaron!! <3 DHS Guides COY~ 我的文字相簿(二)~ Olivia♥ Amelia~ Charlotte~ Clara~ Crystal~ Emily~ Elaine~ Elena♥ Hazel~ Jaynell♥ Jia Jun~ Laural~ Loraine~ Phoebe♥ Rochelle~ Shihui♥ Xiying♥ Xin Yi~ Xin Yi~(SC)

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  • Wednesday, February 9, 2011 - Birthdays 2 :

    After finding out everyone's birthday, I compiled them. :D Enjoy. On and btw, if missed anyone out, pls tell me. :D

    Rhonda=) blogged at 3:05 AM

    - Birthday :

    Hey guys, here i am again. :D

    My birthday was yesterday, and i could easily say that its my worst birthday ever. Not worst day, definitely not worst day, just worst birthday. Why? Because it just had to fall on the most boring day on my timetable. I'm not complaining that it is a school day -  it's always a school day, but it just had to fall on a day where I had Higher Chinese, History, Maths and 3rd Language. Sad right? That's not all. On that day, because it was an "auspicious" day for business, my father, due to the fact that he ad to be in the office by 6, couldn't drive me to school. Therefore, I had to go to school on my own, resulting in me waking up a lot earlier than usual. Bad enough? No. Because of Chinese New Year, I had totally forgotten about my Japanese, thus, of course, not doing my homework. Because of this, I had to work all the way until 12am before I can climb onto my warm and comfortable bed.

    Therefore, summarizing that day (sorry about the rant), I slept at 12, woke at 5 (5 hrs of sleep), miraculously not sleeping in class on the most boring day on my timetable. There you go - the worst birthday ever.

    Haha... Oh and please remember my birthday! 8/2 very easy. :D I would say I'm quite good at remembering birthdays. Let me list them out. This is my first attempt, no cheating. (I swore upon River Styx, and made the unbreakable vow. :D) So pardon me if I listed wrongly. :P dates in [   ] are edited. :D

    Annabel: 3/12
    Cheryl:  22/7
    Elena: 4/1
    Clara: ?/8 (oops, SORRY CLARA!!!) [12/8]
    Emily: 21/4
    Xinyi: 6/2
    Shanel: 2/3
    Hoong Yan: 13/2
    Karen: 2/5
    Laural: 27/6
    Elaine: 21/10
    Claire: 22/3
    Rochelle: 9/5
    Crystal: ?/? (oops, SORRY CRYSTAL!!!) [24/10]
    Xin Ler: 2/3
    Olivia: 26/9
    Phoebe: 12/4
    Jaynell: 3/12
    Jia Yi: 29/4
    Charlotte: ?/?(omg, SORRY CHARLOTTE) [4/12]
    Amelia: 21/10
    Jia Jun: 21/10
    Xiying: 5/5
    Chian Hao: 22/2
    Bryan: 8/1
    YiFeng: 9/2 Today!! LOL
    Frank: 18/1
    Jin Qi: 21/4
    Churn Hian : ?/? (oopsie!) [16/11]
    Melvin: 3/8 ???
    Zhen Hao: 3/2
    Shawn: 11/9 September Eleven. LOL
    Kester: ?/? (omg) [24/12]
    Hong Kai ?/? (oops?) [14/9]
    Guan Zhou: I have no idea... [15/6]

    Ok, maybe this is not what i would call good, above average? Haha. Wait, I'm not finished. 

    Anabelle: 23/5
    Belinda: ?/? (SORRY) [26/2]
    Bernice: 15/2
    Kai Ling: 8/9
    Hui Qing: 2/6
    Melissa: ?/? (OMG, I'm supposed to know this!!! ) [24/6]
    Khai: 30/1 
    Hui Jie: ?/? (Oops :/) [10/4]
    Gwendolyn: 13/6
    Celia: 6/7
    Cheryl: 6/7 Amazing: Cheryl Low and Cheryl Lau have their birthdays on the same month.
    Ze Hui: 13/5
    Pei Min: 2/10 ???
    Rachel: ?/? !@#$% I'm getting OLD [5/5]
    Sherra: ?/? !@#$%^&* [16/10]
    Jia Yi: 9/10
    Xiao Xuan: 26/7
    Shu Yi: 2/4
    Yuxuan: 10/10
    Aleem: ?/? Here comes the boys from my P6 class - I really have no idea when their b'days are. OMG [26/5]
    Aloysius: ?/? [14/10]
    Benjamin: ?/? [5/2] Oh dammit. His birthday was a few days ago.
    Camillius: ?/? [No sources found]
    Johnny: ?/? [10/11]
    Darren: ?/? [11/6]
    Douglas: ?/? [21/7]
    John: ?/? [11/4]
    Jin Jia: ?/? [15/5]
    Keith: ?/? [13/11]
    Lai Wei: 7/8 Hey, I actually know this!
    Nicholas: ?/? [3/10]
    Zhi Han: ?/? [no sources found]
    Wei Jie: ?/? [20/5] 
    Luthfi: ?/? [no sources found]
    Sean: ?/? [27/5]
    Ivan: ?/? [14/6]
    [Ruben: 16/12] Oopsie, forgot him. HAHA.
    Shaoye: 29/1 I know this too! 
    Yi Heng: ?/? [3/12]
    Jet: ?/? [no sources found]
    Bo Shen: ?/? [7/6]

    Oh sh!t. This is fail. And i think i forgot one guys from my P6 class. There's one more right? Yes, I know I'm fail... @#$%^&*()

    Oh well, This is a long post. and i realised i don;'t really know alot of ppl's birthday. I'm too lazy to continue, so... cya. :D


    Rhonda=) blogged at 2:16 AM